Robots.txt Generator

Generate Robots.txt file for your website automatically and instantly, don't code it by yourself anymore

Leave blank if you don't have.

Google Image
Google Mobile
MSN Search
Yahoo MM
Yahoo Blogs
DMOZ Checker
MSN PicSearch

The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

About Robots.txt generator tool:

When you want to prevent some pages on your website to be crawled and indexed by search engines such as Google, or you want to disallow images to have appeared on your crawling statutes, or you just want to save your website crawl budget, the best method for all that is to use the Robots.txt file functionality.

Using the Robots.txt file gives you control over your website’s content, it provides you with the functionality to allow or prevent pages, posts, images, Googlebots, Yahoo, Bing, or MSN from or to be indexed on Google indexing. That means that you can either disallow some pages from being indexed, or you can disallow the entire website, but allow some pages.

So, if you have a login or a register page, or even your admin dashboard pages, and you don’t want them to be indexed and show up on search engines, consider adding a Robots.txt file to your website, and add the suitable roles to it.

What is the Robots.txt generator?

The Robots.txt generator by SmallWebTools is a free online tool that helps you generate an appropriate Robots.txt file for your website. It will automatically generate the text for you and let you download the file so you upload it to the server. It will also allow you to customize it with some additional options, such as what kind of bots should be allowed on your site and which directories or files should be excluded from being crawled by search engine bots or not indexed by them.

Robots.txt generators are an easy way to add a Robots.txt file to your website without having to manually code one yourself. The basic idea behind this tool is that it allows you to create and publish a Robots.txt file in just a few seconds with no coding required on your end, which is important for those who don't have the technical knowledge of how these files work or how they should be formatted and what they should include in them.

All you have to do in order to generate your own Robots.txt file is to follow the steps below and then upload the file to the root folder of your website or application.

How to use SmallWebTools Robots.txt generator?

The Robots.txt generator in SmallWebTools is easy and free to use, it can be accessed by going to the website and then clicking on the Robots.txt Generator tool, and then follow these steps:

  1. The first option is the default setting of all website pages. If you want all website URLs to be disallowed and leave some pages to be allowed, then set the default to Disallow. Otherwise, leave it as default "(Allow).
  2. The next step is to set the crawl delay. This option is used when you need to tell the crawlers to slow down a little bit in order not to overload the server. in most web servers generally, this option is not necessary, but if you run your website on really a low-budget resources web server, consider using this option.
  3. In the third option, you can add your website’s sitemap if you have one. When adding the website’s sitemap, it gives better chances for web crawlers to understand what to index and what to not index.
  4. Now you may wanna prevent some search engines from indexing your website for any reason. This will be done on the fourth option, as it gives you the option to allow or disallow all types of search engines such as Google, Baidu, Yahoo, and more.
  5. The fifth option lets you disallow an entire folder or subdirectory and its URLs from being indexed by search engines, and you can add as many subfolders as you want. For example, ( services are the subfolder. You can add /services/ to prevent this subfolder and the pages after it from being indexed.
  6. Once you did all the above options, click Generate. When you do that, the tool will immediately create the Robots.txt file and then you can copy the code and paste it into your old Robots.txt file, or download the file and upload it to your website root folder.

Why use our Robots.txt generator?

  • One of the best things about our Robots.txt generator is that it gives you the option to tweak and edit the Robots.txt file as you want.
  • Using our Robots.txt generator is easy and straightforward, with no catchy and no misleading popups.
  • Our tool makes the Robots.txt code very accurate. So. if you are an absolute beginner in the field, you can still use this tool without being afraid of making mistakes.
  • This tool does the work fast, you can generate a Robots.txt in no time.
  • After you generate the Robots.txt code, you can either copy the code or download it as a Robots.txt file.
  • The Robots.txt generator tool is free to use and unlimited times.

What is a Robots.txt file?

A Robots.txt file is a text file that has a set of instructions for the web crawler placed on the root directory of the website, it helps you to control the behavior of web crawlers. You can use it to prevent crawlers from indexing specific pages or directories on your server. This is especially helpful if you have content that you want to keep private, like your staff list or company financials.

What is the purpose of the Robots.txt file?

The purpose of this file is to manage how search engines interact with your website’s content so that you can control what they see, where they go, and what they don't see. In other words, the Robots.txt file is to tell search engine spiders what parts of your site you don't want them to index, so that they can focus their crawling efforts on the content you do want to be indexed.

Why do you need a Robots.txt generator tool?

The robots.txt generator tool can help you create a robots.txt file for your website with just a few clicks. The generator tool will quickly generate the code for you, and then all you need to do is copy and paste it into the root directory of your website, or upload it into an existing robots.txt file on your site if one already exists there.

What is the format of a Robots.txt file and what does it include?

The general simple format of the Robots.txt file is as shown below, but it can contain more details as we will explain later.

User-agent: *


Where is the Robots.txt file located?

The Robots.txt file is located in the root directory of your website. that means it's inside the public_html/ for the shared and managed servers and in the /var/www/html/ for the VPS servers.

How to upload a Robots.txt file to your server?

After you created and set the Robots.txt roles, now it’s time to upload the file to the server. Follow the instructions below to upload any Robots.txt code to your website’s root folder.

On cPanel:

  • Login to your Cpanel file manager.
  • Go to the root folder of the website if you want to upload the Robots.txt file on it.
  • Click on the upload button.
  • Navigate to your Robots.txt file and upload it, and that’s it.
  • Alternatively, you can create a new file on your root directory and name it “Robots.txt“. Next, copy the Robots.txt code, paste it inside the new file and save the file. You are done.


  • Login to your server via SFTP clients such as Filezilla and WinSCP.
  • Go to the root folder of the website where you want to upload the Robots.txt file on it.
  • Drag the Robots.txt file and slip the file inside the root directory, and that’s it.
  • Alternatively, you can create a new file on your root directory and name it “Robots.txt“. Next, copy the Robots.txt code, paste it inside the new file and save the file. You are done.

How to edit the Robots.txt file on your server or website?

In order to edit the Robots.txt file on the server you first need to create the Robots.txt code, use our Robots.txt generator tool to help you out. Next, you need to log into your website’s files and head toward the root folder. Once you are there search for a file named “Robots.txt“. When you find it, right-click, and edit. Delete the old code and paste the new code, and then click save.

Robots.txt templates:

The default code:

User-agent: *


Disallow crawling of the entire website:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

Disallow crawling of a directory and its contents:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /services/

Disallow: /forum/

Disallow: /services/seo/seo-consultancy/

Allow access to a single crawler (Googlebot-news in this example):

User-agent: Googlebot-news
Allow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Allow access to all but a single crawler (Googlebot-news in this example):

User-agent: Googlebot-news

Disallow: /

User-agent: *

Allow: /

Disallow crawling of a single web page:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /robots-txt-generator

Disallow: /seo/robots-txt-generator

Disallow crawling of the whole site except a subdirectory:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

Allow: /blog/

Block all images on your site from Google Images:

User-agent: Googlebot-Image

Disallow: /

Read more about that on Google.

How to disallow a subdirectory (subfolder) from being indexed?

If you want to disallow a specific directory from being indexed, go o your root folder on your website's files and edit the Robots.txt file. Add this line of code (Disallow: /your-subfolder/) and the subfolder of the website will be prevented from being indexed.

Why Robots.txt file important for SEO?

The Robots.txt file is one of the important tactics for SEO because it tells the search engine crawlers what to do. It tells them which pages to crawl and which pages not to crawl. It helps to control whether search engine crawlers can crawl your site or not so that the crawlers will focus on more important content to index.

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