Javascript Obfuscator

Transforms JavaScript source code into an obfuscated complex, hard-to-understand format to protect it from unauthorized copying and reverse engineering.

About JavaScript Obfuscator

Obfuscate means to cause confusion and distraction for the codes and the way they are engineered, by making them unclear or difficult to understand. Javascript Obfuscator is a tool that obfuscates the code of a website, making it more difficult to understand which makes the information more secure, preserved, and safe. This tool is for web developers and programmers who want to protect their work from being copied and stolen. Companies use this tool to protect their intellectual properties and avoid copyright infringement. Obfuscators work by changing some properties of the code so it looks like gibberish and not human-readable code. The main purpose of it is to make the code difficult to read and understand.

How to use the JavaScript Obfuscator Tool?

  1. Copy your JavaScript code from your JavaScript file.
  2. Paste your JavaScript code inside the toolbox.
  3. Click Obfuscate. Once you do that, the tool will immediately Obfuscate the JS code and give you an Obfuscated JavaScript code.
  4. Copy the Obfuscated code manually or use the copy icon in the top left of the toolbox.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to build web pages. It has also been used to build many other types of applications including apps and desktop applications. The JavaScript programming language was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation, it is often used with HTML and CSS to create interactive websites and you can use it on its own to create console-based apps or desktop applications for Windows, macOS, or Linux operating systems. Although there are more complex and powerful programming languages ​​than JavaScript, the developers still stick to it and its wonderful matrix because of its beauty and smoothness. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages.

How does JavaScript Obfuscator work?

JavaScript Obfuscator works by renaming variables, removing whitespace, and adding meaningless symbols to the code so that it becomes difficult for someone to make sense of it. The tool makes a set of conversions of codes by dismantling commands or other strings. For example, dismantling a written order in one line into a group of commands and writing them in several lines and different ways, It renames or changes the name of the functions, or changes the texts to more ambiguous texts and others, and all this is to make the codes and arrays incomprehensible or readable.

What are the benefits of using the JavaScript Obfuscator?

  • JavaScript Obfuscator is a protection tool that protects the codes from copying and hacking, it makes the JavaScript incomprehensible as the obfuscation tool uses control flow which blacks the loops and makes or replaces them in a single loop, all this to make the code harder to be followed.
  • The changes that this tool makes will not change the functionality of codes and they will behave in the same ways.
  • It's very useful when you want to hide or not let other people open, know, and see what is going on in the console. 
  • This tool saves time and effort by obfuscating the JS code in no time, rather than obfuscating it manually.
  • Protection of intellectual property, Protection against hackers, and Protection against competitors.
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